Former Temple Knight of Ishgard. Reserved. Chivalrous. Brutally lawful. Judge, Jury, Executioner.

TIME ZONE: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
IC ADDRESS: 'The Gilded Clover', Mateus Goblet Ward 14, Plot 5
Interested in Lore-Adherent, Morally Grey RP?: Consider joining The Sleeping Sands

Vitals About

PREFERRED NICKNAME: WickFULL NAME: Valentin "Val" WarwickALIASES: Val, Warwick, Lieutenant, StagGENDER: Cisgender Male [He/Him]AGE: 39ETHNICITY & RACE: Ishgardian ElezenHEIGHT: 7'2'' (218cm)SEXUALITY: Unclear, demi-romantic (slow to romance)RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Not looking.SPIRITUALITY: Worshipper of Halone, follower of the Twelve. Deeply religious.VOICE: Very low bass, Wick speaks at a controlled volume at all times and almost never raises his voice.

MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful NeutralOCCUPATIONS: Personal security for Kisz'a Vekharu, Captain of the guard for the Sleeping Sands, disciple of Halone, Ishgardian Temple Knight (former), dragoon candidate (failed).VIRTUES: Chaste, Dutiful, Faithful, Reliable, LoyalVICES: Brutal, Unrelenting, Obstinate, Susceptible to Temptation, WrathfulDEMEANOR: Stoic. Modest. Calculating. Disciplined. Observant. Curt.FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Wick is a tall, imposing Elezen of impressive stature and intimidating demeanor. Naturally regal; reminiscent of a stag standing alone on a foggy morning, hence the cheeky nickname. Broad of shoulders, chest, and arms. Elezen lankiness is lost under substantial (functional) muscular build and solidity. Large hands. Severe topaz eyes, a pronounced hook nose, and a stern mouth. Long, dark, and effeminate eyelashes and hair. Scars cover his pale, cold-hued skin, including several nicks on his ears, and gouge marks on the edges of both sides of his jaw. Rarely shows skin beneath the collar.

= recent developments 

Hooks Services

- Wick has accepted permanent employment with the Sleeping Sands as its head of security. As Wick is lawful neutral, he is not particularly concerned about the morality or grittiness of his task, but it will be carried out with unshakeable loyalty to his employer. Wick is currently sworn by oath to Kisz'a Vekharu.- Wick wears a rather delicate eternal bonding ring on his left ring finger, which appears to be either an extremely feminine men's bonding ring or a woman's ring. The women's ear cuffs that he always wears can be recognized as an old Ishgardian fashion piece made to elongate the ears, and are notably no longer in style.- Purveyor of sweets, pastries, or other homemade baked goods? Wick has a sweet tooth. The quickest way to his heart is through his stomach, with hearty and hot foods commonly enjoyed in winter or cold weather.- He carries a Halonic rosary on him at all times, and can oft be seen praying with it before meals or before carrying out tasks.- [DM First] Naturally, current or former Temple Knights of Ishgard could potentially recognize Wick as one of two things: an accomplished lieutenant, or as the disgraced dragoon candidate who failed his trials during the final test.

Art Screenshots



(All screenshots above taken by me)

Music Inspiration

OOC Player Info

AGE: 29PRIMARY LANGUAGE: EnglishWRITING STYLE: Paragraph/Prose. Present tense, third person. Public chat for general RP, private or party chat for 21+ themes. The length of my posts vary, based on several different variables, but are generally a paragraph or more.RP CONTENT: Casual, walk-ups, pop-ups. Mature/Dark/Angst Themes, NSFW. The content of Wick's story is generally very dark. Because of this, I prefer to write with those who are 21+, and will not interact with people under 18. I tend to shy away from lore breaking, godmodding, or metagaming. Please ask before subjecting me to dice rolls.AVAILABILITY: EST Timezone. Available in-game. I do not start scenes in Discord, but if necessary I will finish them there. RP Tag On = Walk-ups/Tells welcome by all.NOTES: I separate things strictly between IC and OOC, and maintain a healthy separation between fiction and reality. Wick's motives, flaws, and history are not reflected in my personal behavior. Wick is strictly slow-burn, and while he is capable of forming connections (platonic/romantic/or otherwise), keep in mind there will be setbacks, issues, and conflict. Forming a relationship with him, especially a romantic one, is meant to be challenging. Expect plenty of OOC communication and collaboration.

- Participates in religious flagellation to seek penance from Halone. Flogging scars are present on his back, and he owns and utilizes a tined cilice on his thigh, which also serves as a chastity tool.
- Failed his dragoon trials because he hesitated and failed to fell a dragon in his final test. Due to his wife being branded a heretic, Wick was subject to intense religious 'correcting' to denounce dragons and wholly accept Halone into his life.- Wife was branded a heretic and disappeared several months before Wick attempted the dragoon trials in an attempt to reclaim his name from the mud. Wick has reasons to believe the dragon he had encountered during his trials had been his wife.- Wick plays the fiddle, and has a pleasant singing voice.- Wick's route can either go down a healthier religious path, or an atheism path, depending on his influences.- Wick is accustomed to sleeping and existing in uncomfortable living situations and will not complain about lodging or food choices.- Though Wick's temper is marked low, this is only the case from a surface level. Wick has ticks that make it clear he is growing agitated: his hand muscles start to flex, and his nose will start to twitch at the left nostril, to which he will usually try to hide this by pinching at, or rubbing a finger beneath his nose. Despite having a big temper, it is truly difficult to get him actually angry. He expresses embarrassment by looking left, and expresses deep thought and consideration by looking right.- Wick has certain triggers that anger him; talk about the Temple Knights will get him on edge, as well as blatant hedonism and lack of self control. While he is not bothered by atheism or other religions, he does become angry if his religion is questioned or if others attempt to police him regarding his faith. He values politeness, sincerity, and healthy modesty. He does not like those with a too-casual laissez-faire demeanor, and he finds it irritating when people correct him calling them Ma'am or Sir. Even though he does not have a preference for loudness, rudeness, and those acting without care, Wick is very used to being around them and often offers a counter-balance to their energy. Wick is very, very conscientious about coming across as too forward or rude in his speech.- Wick was born in the Brume. His acquisition for music and singing came through singing church hymns. Wick can be thought of as repressed, and highly prone to being tempted by sins of the flesh because of this.- Wick considers the castle guards and church guards 'showponies' and believes armor should be kept to a certain standard of repair, but that perfectly shining armor means a knight has not been tempered by battle.- When calling women by their first names (if it is all that has been offered), he will call them Miss. If they have given him a surname, he will address them as Lady. For men, he will call nearly all of them Sir.- Wick enjoys pottery.